The Tangled Thread Behind “Clean” Election
A week before the general election was held, the corner of Kuala Lipis – a small town in Malaysia, was filled with posters and banners
A week before the general election was held, the corner of Kuala Lipis – a small town in Malaysia, was filled with posters and banners
Sepekan sebelum pemilihan raya digelar, sudut Kota Kuala Lipis—sebuah kota kecil di Malaysia, dipenuhi poster dan spanduk bertuliskan ajakan untuk memenangkan kursi mayoritas di parlemen.
In the upcoming 2024 General Elections, the determination of electoral districts is expected to be able to guarantee voter representation that will no longer alienate
Penentuan daerah pilih pada Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2024 mendatang diharapkan mampu menjamin keterwakilan yang tidak lagi mengasingkan masyarakat. Permasalah yang terjadi pada pemilihan sebelumnya, seperti
A number of people dressed in black put their arms around Jeffry Wenda’s shoulders as they rushed him to the car. At that time, Tuesday
Sejumlah orang berpakaian hitam merangkul bahu Jefry Wenda sembari bergegas menggiringnya menuju mobil. Ketika itu, Selasa siang, 10 Mei 2022. Juru Bicara Petisi Rakyat Papua
Penantian empat tahun yang menguras waktu dan energi Ramsiah Tasruddin, seperti terbayar. Kepolisian Resort Gowa menghentikan penyidikan kasus dugaan pelanggaran Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik
The military remains in power in Thailand to this day. The dream of returning them to barracks and establishing civilian supremacy seems to fall short
Militer masih berkuasa di Thailand hingga hari ini. Mimpi mengembalikan militer ke barak dan mendudukkan supremasi sipil masih jauh panggang dari api. Namun kekerasan dan
Nibras Nada Nailufar will never forget the events that happened on Tuesday, September 24, 2019. She was in charge of covering the demonstration against the