Election committee confused about voting procedures for Covid-19 patients

Covid-19 patients undergoing treatment at the Emergency Field Hospital (RSDL) Indrapura Surabaya will exercise their voting rights in Pilkada Surabaya (Surabaya Regional Election) 2020. However, the election field officers have yet to understand the procedures of casting the ballots.

Chairman of the District Election Committee (PPK) Krembangan, Febryanto Nugroho, said that field officers from the nearest polling station would visit patients to help them vote at around 12 p.m.

“Our colleagues from the polling stations and the local poll administrators (KPPS) will be at the hospital to facilitate the voting,” Febry said on Wednesday (9/12/2020).

In the emergency hospital, there are currently 73 patients who have been registered with the form A5 to change their voting locations. Six officers will be deployed to the hospital, in addition to two witnesses from each of the two candidates and one polling station supervisor.

“The officers who are deployed to the hospital to facilitate the voting will be equipped with complete protective gear,” Febry said.

The hospital administration will also be prepared to provide the recommended and standardized protective gear for the officers.

However, Febri said that he had yet to understand the procedure of casting the ballots. As of now, he still discussed it with the parties involved.

“We have coordinated with the hospital. They are ready to provide backups of the protective gears, which has fulfilled the required quality. Technically, whether there will be interaction (during the voting) or not, we will leave it to our colleagues at the hospital to arrange,” he said.

Head of the Emergency Field Hospital Adm. Dr dr I Dewa Gede Nalendra Djaya Iswara said that the hospital had prepared everything needed by the local poll administrators.

“We have prepared all they need. We provide the place for the voting,” he said.

In addition, the hospital also prepared Level-3 protective gear for the officers and sterilized gloves for the voters.

“The officers who come inside the hospital will wear the Level-3 protective gear, because they will enter the red zone,” he said.

He further explained that out of the total 240 patients undergoing treatment at the hospital, 63 percent are from Surabaya, and around 50 to 70 percent of them have been registered as voters. (Suara.com: Arry Saputra)

This article was first published in Suara.com titled “District Election Committee Confused about Voting Procedures for Covid-19 Patients in Emergency Field Hospital”. In the 2020 Regional Election, Jaring.id and Suara.com work together to focus on producing news related to the implementation of health protocols during the voting.

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Binti Rosidah is one of more than 1.6 million Indonesians living and working in Malaysia. She has been working as a domestic worker in Kuala

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