ICW: “Political Parties Must Be Transparent on Fund Management”

Political parties allegedly did not thoroughly report their funds, including membership fees and public donations they collected. The parties only reported the funds they received from the government because funds from the state to the parties would be checked by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Interviewed by Jaring.id on Friday, March 17, 2023, Indonesia Corruption […]
ICW: Pengelolaan Dana Parpol Harus Transparan

Partai Politik (Parpol) disinyalir tidak melaporkan perolehan dana secara menyeluruh. Mulai dari iuran anggota sampai sumbangan publik. Partai Politik hanya melaporkan penerimaan dana yang berasal dari pemerintah. Sebab, menurut peneliti Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Kurnia Ramadhan, seluruh dana dari Negara ke partai akan diperiksa Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK). Dalam wawancara yang dilakukan Jumat, 17 Maret […]