Waiting for the New Chapter of Timor Leste

A young man sits stretched out on the dry grass in Aileu Square, Timor Leste, it was the afternoon when the Secretary General of the Fretilin Party Mari Alkatiri gave a speech from the podium on Thursday the 11th of May 2023. Wearing a white shirt and army green shirt, his figure stands out in […]
Menunggu Babak Baru Timor Leste

Seorang pemuda duduk berlunjur di atas rumput kering Lapangan Aileu, Timor Leste, saat Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Fretilin Mari Alkatiri berorasi di atas mimbar, Kamis, 11 Mei 2023. Mengenakan kaos putih dan kemeja warna hijau tentara, sosoknya tampak kontras diantara ratusan orang berkaos merah sambil menenteng bendera Fretilin. Nizu (20), nama pemuda tersebut. Hari itu, Fretilin […]