High-Cost Politics for Parties: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”

Young politicians preparing to compete as legislative candidates for the 2024 General Election complained about the high-cost political system, which dragged them to a difficult situation of being held hostage to financiers. “It’s because politics is full of promises. We are held hostage by capital owners and financiers because the political costs in the candidacy […]
Simalakama Modal Mahal Parpol

Para politisi muda yang tengah ancang-ancang bertarung menjadi bakal calon legislatif Pemilihan Umum 2024 mengeluhkan sistem politik biaya tinggi, sehingga membuat politisi tersandera penyandang modal. ”Karena politik ada janji-janji. Kita tersandera bohir dan cukong karena biaya politik sangat besar dalam pencalegan,” ungkap Setyawati Molyna, politisi muda dari DPP Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) dalam siaran Youtube […]