Half-hearted Affirmations

Nurul Sutarti felt ecstatic when her colleague Puji Kusmarti was elected as one of the commissioners of the Surakarta General Elections Commission (KPU) for the 2018-2023 period. In the selection that was conducted three years ago, Puji was elected along with Nurul, Joko Waskito, Suryo Baruno, and Bambang Christanto. For Nurul, the election results were […]
Afirmasi Setengah Hati

Nurul Sutarti senang bukan kepalang ketika koleganya, Puji Kusmarti terpilih sebagai salah satu komisioner Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Surakarta periode 2018-2023. Dalam pemilihan 3 tahun lalu Puji terpilih bersama Nurul, Joko Waskito, Suryo Baruno, dan Bambang Christanto. Hasil pemilihan tersebut hampir membuat Nurul tak percaya. Sebab selama ini terkesan ada stigma yang melekat di organisasi […]