“Indonesia is the only country applying 20 percent of presidential threshold”

Indonesia is the only country in Asia that applies a threshold of 20 percent for the presidential election, the highest threshold among other countries. According to the Director of the Asia Democracy Network (ADN), Ichal Supriadi, the nomination mechanism aims to maintain the hegemony of power in the hands of the government and the parliament. […]

Ambang Batas Pencalonan Presiden 20 persen Hanya di Indonesia

Indonesia menjadi satu-satunya negara di Asia yang menerapkan ambang batas pencalonan presiden 20 persen atau tertinggi di antara negara lain. Menurut Direktur Asia Democracy Network (ADN), Ichal Supriadi, mekanisme pencalonan tersebut bertujuan untuk mempertahankan hegemoni kekuasaan di tangan pemerintahan dan parlemen. “Tidak ada di Asia ambang batas presiden harus 20 persen. Ini akal-akalan saja untuk […]

Resetting the Threshold for Presidential Candidacy

Ahead of the 2024 General Election, various groups, including political parties, have begun to discuss the threshold for presidential candidacy. Among the groups are political parties, including the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the Democratic Party, and a number of new parties, such as the Ummat Party (Partai Ummat) and the Labor Party (Partai Buruh). A […]

Menata Ulang Ambang Batas Pencalonan Presiden

Jelang Pemilihan Umum 2024, pelbagai kalangan, termasuk partai politik mulai ramai membicarakan ambang batas pencalonan presiden. Antara lain Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, Partai Demokrat, dan sejumlah partai baru, seperti Partai Ummat, dan Partai Buruh. Ada pun warga yang sempat menggugat ambang batas 20 persen ialah Busyro Muqoddas, Hadar Nafis Gumay, Rizal Ramli, dan Bambang Widjojanto. Mereka […]