Tobacco farmers pressured by the old bluff trick of raised cigarette tax

Jopi Hendrayani suddenly raised his voice when talking about companies that increased cigarette excise. He was furious with the old bluffing trick that the companies use to put pressure on tobacco farmers. The farmer who was born 48 years ago in Beleka Village, East Praya, Central Lombok, said that cigarette companies often use cigarette excise […]
Gertak Lama Setelah Cukai Rokok Naik

Suara Jopi Hendrayani (48) tiba-tiba meninggi. Lelaki kelahiran Desa Beleka, Praya Timur, Lombok Tengah yang sehari-hari berprofesi sebagai petani tembakau ini merasa geram dengan perusahaan rokok yang kerap menggunakan kenaikan cukai rokok guna menekan harga beli komoditas pertaniannya. Menurut Jopi, agen perusahaan hampir setiap hari turun ke lahan-lahan petani untuk menyampaikan hal tersebut. “Perusahaan sering […]