Terlunta-lunta karena Junta

Setelah pemilihan umum Myanmar berakhir pada November 2020 lalu, jurnalis Agence France-Presse (AFP), Lawi Weng memilih untuk menyeberang ke Thailand. Ia merasa tidak aman bila harus bertahan di negerinya setelah hasil pemilu memenangkan Partai Liga Nasional untuk Demokrasi (NLD) pimpinan Aung San Suu Kyi. Dari 476 kursi di parlemen Mynmar, NLD berhasil meraup 396 kursi, […]
Displaced because of the Junta

In November 2020, the Journalist of Agense France-Presse (AFP), Lawi Weng decided to move into Thailand after the Myanmar General-Election ended. He felt unsafe having to survive in the country after the election results won the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi. The NLD won 396 seats, while the military-backed […]