KPU needs innovation to simplify 2024 General Election

The 2019 General Election was the most complicated direct voting for Budi Santoso. The secretary of the local poll administrator team (KPPS) of Polling Station (TPS) 30 in Bojong Rawa Lumbu subdistrict, Bekasi, had to handle five elections within one day. The five elections were conducted to elect the president and vice president, members of […]
Inovasi Pemilu Selamatkan Demokrasi

Pengalaman negara-negara Asia melangsungkan pemilihan umum (Pemilu) saat pandemi Covid-19 membuktikan bahwa inovasi sistem pemungutan suara dapat menjamin demokratisasi. Sepanjang Maret 2020 – Maret 2021, enam negara di Asia Tenggara melangsungkan pemilu di tengah pandemi. Antara lain Singapura, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Indonesia dan Korea Selatan. Pada 10 Juli 2020 lalu, Singapura memutuskan untuk memperpanjang waktu […]
Innovative practices in election can save democracy

The experience of Asian countries in conducting general elections in the time of Covid-19 pandemic has proven that innovation of voting system can guarantee democratization. During the period of March 2020 to March 2021, six countries in Southeast Asia held general elections. The countries are Singapore, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and South Korea. On July […]
The constitutional court’s paradigm of money politics needs to change

The Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK) and The Indonesian General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) have different indicators dealing with the violation in the pre-election that occur such as money politics, the missued of authority, the civil-servant neutrality issues, and the mismanagement of social funds. The constitutional court refers to how the practices of the violation influence […]