Tobacco farmers squeezed by imports and middlemen

In the last five years, Jopi Hendrayani (48) has never reaped any profits from the dried tobacco he sells. The 4-quintal tobacco he harvested from a 50-are farmland in Beleka village, Praya Timur, Central Lombok Regency, was only priced at Rp 13 million, lower than the planting costs of Rp 16 million. “Almost every year, […]
Dihimpit Impor dan Tengkulak

Sudah lima tahun Jopi Hendrayani (48) tak meraup untung dari penjualan tembakau kering. Hasil panen sebanyak 4 kuintal dari lahan seluas 50 are yang digarap petani Desa Beleka, Praya Timur, Lombok Tengah ini hanya dihargai Rp 13 juta. Padahal ongkos tanam yang mesti ia rogoh sebesar Rp 16 juta. “Hampir setiap tahun kita mengalami gulung […]