Millions of Myanmar’s minority people denied voting rights

Myanmar has finally decided to go ahead with its general elections this year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and hygiene issues aside, a watchdog has expressed its concerns about the democratic quality of the elections which was conducted on Sunday, Nov. 8. An independent elections watchdog non-governmental organization called the People’s Alliance for Credible Elections […]
Pemilu Myanmar Berjalan Tanpa Jutaan Suara Minoritas

The People’s Alliance for Credible Elections (PACE)—sebuah organisasi independen pemantau pemilu di Myanmar—menilai Pemilu 2020 Myanmar akan berlangsung kompetitif dan sensitif. Pasalnya, kontestasi kali ini tak hanya berlangsung antara dua partai besar, yakni Development Party (USDP) dan National League for Democracy (NLD). Pada Minggu, 8 November 2020, 5.651 kandidat dari 91 partai politik bakal memperebutkan […]