Taktik Demonstran Thailand Menyiasati Aparat

“Ketika ada (tindakan) represif dari aparat mereka memecah titik demo ke beberapa tempat. Ini yang bikin aparat kesulitan karena demonya dibagi empat sampai lima di waktu yang bersamaan,” Ivana Kurniawati bercerita dalam diskusi bertajuk Meneropong Gerakan Pro-Demokrasi di Thailand yang diselenggarakan oleh Migrant Care, Selasa, 20 Oktober 2020. Aktivis perempuan yang tinggal di Thailand sejak […]
How Thai protesters get around security apparatus

Apparently, Thai protesters know exactly how to effectively break the concentration of security apparatus on guard when these guards start to act violently against them. “When the security apparatus started to take repressive actions against the protesters, the protesters quickly dispersed to several different spots. This dispersion gave the security apparatus a really hard time […]