Citizen journalists safeguard the quality of democracy

Reporters for the Voice of Democracy (VOD) online media run by the Cambodia Center for Independent Media (CCIM) always became busier than ever as Cambodia’s elections day drew near. These reporters were assigned to coordinate the citizen journalists’ news gathering activities in the voting booths distributed across various Indonesian provinces. Information gathered by these citizen […]

Jurnalis(me) Warga Menjaga Kualitas Demokrasi

Reporter Voice of Democratic (VOD), media daring milik Pusat untuk Media Independen Kamboja (CCIM), semakin sibuk ketika hari pemungutan suara tiba. Mereka punya tugas menghubungi jurnalis warga di tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) yang tersebar di beberapa provinsi. Informasi dari jurnalis warga dalam bentuk tulisan, foto maupun video mereka olah kembali sebelum diterbitkan ke publik. “Kami […]