Marginalized voters bear multiple burdens

Organizing the general elections amid the COVID-19 pandemic could threaten the voting rights of vulnerable citizens. The organizer of the elections must come up with specific regulations to protect these marginalized voters’ rights. Ariani Soekanwo, the chairwoman of the People with Disabilities’ Access to the General Elections Center (locally known under the acronym PPUA […]
Beban Berlapis Pemilih Marjinal

Pemilu di tengah pandemi Covid-19 mengancam hak suara kelompok rentan. Penyelenggara pemilu mesti menyiapkan regulasi khusus guna melindungi hak pilih mereka. Ketua Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Penyandang Cacat (PPUA PENCA), Ariani Soekanwo mengkhawatirkan pelaksanaan pemilihan kepala daerah serentak Desember 2020. Menurutnya, penggunaan sarung tangan seperti tertera dalam protokol pencegahan Covid-19 tak ramah disabilitas, khususnya […]