Regional elections schedule flip flops amid Covid-19 pandemic

Several countries which previously postponed conducting their elections cycle have currently announced that they are ready to conduct the voting process. What is their primary rationale of conducting the elections amid the COVID-19 pandemic? “Without the elections there will be no parliamentary members, no political parties and no laws which can be drafted to protect […]
Maju Mundur Pemilu di Tengah Wabah

Sejumlah negara yang sempat menunda tahapan pemilu, kini bersiap melangsungkan pemungutan suara. Apa alasan utama mereka melangsungkan pemilu di tengah pandemi? “Tanpa pemilu tidak akan ada anggota parlemen, tak ada partai politik, dan tak ada perundang-undangan yang bisa dibuat untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia,” ungkap Manjula Gajayanake, Koordinator Center for Monitoring Election Violance (CMEV), sebuah […]